July 23, 2005 marked the 6th Anniversary of Kilby Court's existence. In commemoration Form of Rocket, Guitorchestra as conducted by Gentry Densley, and The Tremula played a show together, Bransin Anderson video taped the whole thing, and he has made his footage freely available for download at
For those of you who may never have had the pleasure of seeing Guitorchestra live, the project is 16+ guitars and one drummer conducted through a completely improvised and un-rehearsed set by Gentry Densley, patriarch of Iceburn and current guitarist with Form of Rocket. Of all the Guitorchestra sets I've been witness too, this is by far the most powerful, consistent, dynamic, and complete. Bransin's footage has suprisingly solid sound quality, and his renderings of the show, especially the Guitorchestra set, are definately worth the download time. Go there. Do that.

In other news, checkout how completely awesome this picture is of Sherlock getting his hacky sack on. Good work D$. Now go to D$'s blog and get some free muzac,
Glad you enjoyed the video. Thanks for posting and letting it be known.
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