This blog is all things Curtis Jensen.
The point is to get all of my shit in one spot, writings, images, recordings, jibba jabba, whatever.
I'm going to be leaving town in a bit for places far removed, and I will be using this blog as way for those interested to keep an eye on me while I'm gone. I'm still not sure if I'm down with the blog scene, so in the next few weeks I'll be trying out a few different content ideas. Should be an embarrassing experiment all the way around.
I realize that this interface is a bit crude, and reading poems online blows, but I'm a poor dude with zero interweb savvy, so whatever. I've included some images for a few of the poems, not sure if that's a good idea or not, but whatever, I say why the hell not. I'm going to try and figure out a way to index each poem by it's respective chap book and rough release date, who knows if that'll work though. I'm working on getting all the junk up from COMFORTCANTTOWABOAT and Apologies for Appliances in the Bathtubs of Loved Ones, stay tuned.
I've listed links to most of the musical projects I've worked on in the last few years, sorry so many of them are Myspace based, but again, I'm a poor dude without interweb savvy, and that's as good as it is going to get for now. I plan to have the Ditch and Sweet Jesus stuff live within the next couple of weeks, should be a nice trip down memory lane. Please forgive the poor sound quality and the plain site setups. I'm working on a general time line and explanatory blurb for each project, that'll all come as updates in due time.
If anyone wants to get a hold of me, curtisinterruptus@hotmail.com is the way to do it, comments, critiques, hot fishing tips, whatever, I'm in to all that shit.
Also if anyone has photos, recordings, or video footage of any performance that I've been involved with, hook the mutha fucking hooks.
And you're goddamned right that's me in a face mask attempting to ignite a roman candle in gale-force winds.
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